
Showing posts from October, 2024


  1) Create TWO scripts for your two different adverts 1st advert - PARK - AFTERNOON - EXERCISE Slow, long shot, calm - teenage girl walking, walking, walking, sitting, low angle shot, taking out the drink and brush, medium shot, brushing hair, tieing hair medium shot, gets up - starts running, running  Long shot, exhausted - walking, walking, camera focused on the pack shot of the drink, goes back to own things, medium shot, gets drink, drinks it - "Be fit, Don't quit, Get more Vits" 2nd advert - HOME - AFTERNOON - SCHOOL WORK Slow, medium shot, stressed - teenage girl working on homework, working, working, close-up of the work - And then stops, medium shot, head down -  After a few minutes - long shot, gets up, walking to fridge, over the shoulder shot, getting the drink, medium shot, drinks it, nodding -  Over the shoulder shot, heads back to study table Close up, places the drink down, starts doing the work again -  high angle shot, doing the work, over the ...


I chose Get More Vits as a product for my healthy drink advert as it is very simple, it doesn't have much in it that may cause the audience to have problems with it, such as allergies. The original slogan that I will be using is "Be fit, Don't quit, Get More Vits" where I'll be using the characters voice as a voiceover.  As for my first narrative, I chose a narrative where the equilibrium of a teenage girl starts  her day by going out and run at the park. The idea of my character being at the park links to the sport that the character is doing and their relation. At the start of her jog she's energetic and by the end of her lap she gets more exhausted, where this is the disequilibrium. The shot that I'll be using is long shot to emphasise her doing the sport. Then she drinks the healthy drink  by using a medium shot to show a focused clip of the character with the drink. This helps her to get back her energy as the new equilibrium. Her costume is where she...


    Create a new blogpost called ‘Preliminary exercise feedback and learner response’ and then copy in the feedback below. Complete the learner response task below the feedback.   WWW: Planning posted, and a 40-second preliminary exercise posted by the deadline – well done! Your statement of intent is detailed and fits the brief for the preliminary exercise. You have included a range of camera shots, angles, and movement such as a pack shot of the health drink. You’ve also included an example of diegetic sound through your advert slogan. Now you need to use this experience and your detailed planning to deliver two excellent 40+ second adverts that meet the brief.   EBI: There are a few moments when you could have cut the shot as you begin talking mid-shot. Some of the shots towards the beginning feel quite long and perhaps do not fit the brief of an advert (consider your target audience). You also need to include some non-diegetic sound to meet all brief requirements...


 1) Type up your feedback in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to). www: Kaye, strong assessment overall! In particular, your analysis of the unseen product is good and your response to the Galaxy advert is detailed. EBI: Revise:      -Tatler CSP (Magazine conventions / in relation to contexts to British culture.      -Black Widow CSP - film industry LR: See blog 2) Look at the  mark scheme for this assessment . For Question 2 (12 mark unseen) use the indicative content in the mark scheme to identify  three  points that you could have referred to in your answer. Excellent analysis of the product that is detailed and critically engages with the nuanced aspects of how media language is  used. Good analysis of the product that is clear and generally engages  with the nuanced aspects of how media language is used. Consistent appropriate and effective use of subject terminology throughout . 3) For Que...