1) What key conventions of TV advertising can you find in the Galaxy advert?

  • Creative or original concept/USP
  • Narrative (Storyline)
  • Mise-en-scene (CLAMPS)
  • Editing (fast-paced, slow-paced, juxtaposition)
  • Camera shots (and their effect)

2) What is the key message the Galaxy advert is communicating about its chocolate? The slogan for the advert will help you with this question.
-The key message of the Galaxy advert that is communicating about the chocolate is that their chocolate is more of a top class than other chocolates, that it tastes more rich, that the texture of it is smooth and elegant.

3) Who is Audrey Hepburn and why did Galaxy select Audrey Hepburn for this advert? 
-Audrey Hepburn was a British Actress, she is selected for the Galaxy advert as she is famous, she also looks elegant like the Galaxy chocolate which makes the audience get more interested as the slogan says that why have cotton when you have silk, it represents that Audrey took a bite from the chocolate as the silk.

4) What is intertextuality?
-Intertextuality is when one media text refers to or suggests another media text.

5) What Audrey Hepburn films are suggested in this advert and how is this effect created (e.g. mise-en-scene - CLAMPS: costume, lighting, actors, make-up, props, setting)?
-The costume of Audrey shows that she is wearing a dress which shows that she is feminine and elegant. The lighting shows a high-key lighting which shows that Galaxy chocolate can solve stressful days as even though the bus is stopped as there is an accident, she still found a solution to continue her journey with a bite of the chocolate. They also used the chocolate as a prop so that the audience can be familiar with how the chocolate looks.

6) Which of Propp's character types are can be found in the advert and how do they change? (Note: just choose two or three character types that are definitely used in the advert - it does not use all seven). 
-The guy is the hero who saved Audrey from the accident which made the bus stop preventing Audrey's journey to stop. The guy also helped Audrey to enjoy her Galaxy chocolate without anyone bothering her. Audrey is the heroin who was saved from the accident.

7) How does the advert's narrative (story) follow Todorov's theory of equilibrium?
-The advert's narrative follow Todorov's theory as Audrey was in a bus that had been stopped until she saw a guy and the guy offered Audrey to go with him, Audrey came with him and made him her Chauffeur, she was able to eat her chocolate without problems.

8) What representation of celebrity can be found in this advert? Think about how Audrey Hepburn is presented. 
-The representation of the celebrity that can be found in this advert is that celebrities are more likely to get help than other people. Also celebrities are more visible than other people, they are also seen perfect.

9) What representations of gender can you find in this advert?
-The representations of gender that can be found in this advert is that women are supposed to be saved by men, that they can't be responsible and independent when they have problems.

10) How are stereotypes subverted at the end of the Galaxy advert to reflect modern social and cultural contexts? 
-Stereotypes are subverted at the end of the Galaxy advert as Audrey Hepburn was independent when she sat at the back of the car and took the hat of the bus driver then made the guy as her chauffeur. 


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