The lighting shows low key as the atmosphere looks very cold and also shows darkness which connotes that there might be something that is violence as the  lights are flickering which is creepy and mysterious. It also connotes that the genre of the film is horror. 
The characters movement such as running suggests that he might be running away from something that made him panic or frightened. The movement of the kid looks like he knows what to do as he tried to find his family members and he also tried to call someone. 
The props that they used were gun and a phone, the gun suggests that the boy was prepared as he quickly went to a storage looking place. Also he loads the gun as if actually knows what he was doing, he also knows where the bullets are which again shows that he is prepared if anything like this happens. 


The costume shows that they wore casual clothes which suggests that when they went to each others house it is not such a serious place to go to. 
The expression of the boy shows that he is panicking as he saw something that he was not expecting.
When the other boys were playing a game they all look determined and serious as they were playing a game that they have been playing for ten hours. The movement of the boys when they were playing also shows that they have been good friends for a long time as they were playing even on a school night, it also shows that they are comfortable with each other as there were these two boys that were arguing whether to attack or defend and after that they were already fine, whilst other friends tend not to talk to each other when they had a small fight.
The setting is when it shows the laboratory it was on a forest in the middle of the trees and it is all alone with not much of a bright light which connotes that they might be hiding something inside that laboratory that they don't want other people to see. When the boy got scared while riding his bicycle he ended up on a forest that leads him to his house this connotes that their house might be the only house there as it shows on the sign that no trespassing.

The opening sequence suggests that the series will be about science fiction and horror genre as the first clip it already shows a laboratory and a weird creature. And as for the characters it they might be wondering what happened to the boy that went missing as the last clip the boy was already gone and the trailer clip ended with a black image.

For me the link that specifically to mise-en-scene is the music because the music makes the audience feel the film that they are watching intensifies and it also helps the audience suspend reality.

  • The costume of each character shows that it is set in the 1980's, their make up and clothing needs to be more accurate for the audience as they might not feel interested if the film doesn't show much about the film being realistic.
  • Jonathan's hair got more longer and thinner which suggests that he grew his hair which also connotes that he is a grown-up as it it might take sometime for a hair to grow. The design of how the hair and clothing look shows that they look more responsible for what they need to do.
  • The setting still needs to be realistic and shows a natural event for the audience to be more interested. In Nancy's room where there is a poster of Tom Cruise shows that she's just a teenage girl that is also obsessed with Tom Cruise just like other teenage girls.
  • They used a iconic music for the audience to be more engrossed by the film as they might find the film awesome. They used the song Running Up that Hill for Max to escape Vecna which the audience might like and to feel some intense while watching the film.


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