
1) Who are the potential target audiences for Marcus Rashford and Kim Kardashian's online content? Try and cover both demographics and psychographics.



  • Working class
  • 8/10 - 40
  • Mostly male + some female
  • Mainly Europe

  • Sport/Football
  • Politics
  • Lifestyle
  • Charity
  • Success
  • Fame
  • 13-30 years old
  • Working - middle class
  • Pre dominantly female
  • Any race
  • Fashion + Beauty
  • Body image
  • Aspirational wealthy, lifestyle, luxury brands
  • Reality TV show
  • Family relationship

2) Marcus Rashford’s online presence is partly driven by his excellent use of social media. How does he use social media to engage with his fans and make them feel part of his brand?

Reinforcing stereotypes of masculinity of footballers. He uses the people's words about him helping other people on other brands e.g shoes - from the primary that he went. He also highlights the food poverty crisis facing families across the UK.

3) What is Instagram engagement rate and what engagement rates do Marcus Rashford and Kim Kardashian have? 

Rashford - 6% (dropped to 3.2%, focusing more on football rather than his own brand development).

Kardashian - lower, at 0.33% but she has over 350 million followers.

4) Go to Marcus Rashford and Kim Kardashian's X or Instagram account. Find and screenshot/link three posts that show the different aspects of their brand e.g. Relatable person (normal, down to earth), Campaigner (interested in politics), Celebrity (e.g. awards ceremony or fashion), Brand promotion (e.g. selling a product).


  • https://www.instagram.com/p/C7Z0FeOM0Jw/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
  • https://www.instagram.com/p/Cz9UDKdp5dx/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
  • https://www.instagram.com/p/Cyn1J31sVgi/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
  • https://www.instagram.com/p/DDnK37myfG-/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
  • https://www.instagram.com/p/DCSOkj5zvfO/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
  • https://www.instagram.com/p/C9DX5rPSyre/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
5) What audience pleasures are provided by Marcus Rashford's online presence? What about Kim Kardashian? Try and apply Blumler and Katz's Uses and Gratifications theory here
Marcus Rashford's online presence offers a real mis of representations - some reinforcing stereotypes of masculinity. footballers and race/ethnicity but at other points subverting them. Kardashian's online presence offers different kind of fashion and make-up - some reinforcing on how women focuses on their image and their outer appearance. 

6) Applying Stuart Hall's Reception theory, what would a preferred and oppositional reading of Marcus Rashford and Kim Kardashian's online presence be?

  • Preferred reading (people who support Rashford/Kardashian): 
  • They might think that they are a good influence
  • They might think that they can rely on them
  • Personal Identity 
  • Personal Relationship
  • Oppositional reading (people who criticise Rashford/Kardashian): 
  • Others might rely on them too much
  • They might focus more on social media
  • They might not have time for something else or themselves


1) What is Marcus Rashford and Kim Kardashian's net worth and how does their online presence help them to make money? 

Rashford - around 16m pounds

300 000 per week from Manchester United (15.6m pounds per year)

2m pounds endorsement deal with Nike. Additional deals with Burberry, Jaguar Land Rover, Coca-Cola and other.

Kardashian - $1.7 billion

Kardashian TV show on Hulu and $100m deal

Brands SKIMS, KKW Beauty and many more

2) What companies/brands are Rashford and Kardashian associated with? Why might they want to be linked to those celebrities?

Rashford- Burberry, Jaguar Land Rover, Coca-Cola, etc.

Kardashian- Kardashian TV show on Hulu. Brands: SKIMS, KKW Beauty, etc.

3) Research Twitter/X and Instagram. Who owns the companies, how do they make money and how much profit did they make last year?

Twitter/X - Jack Dorsey in 2006. In 2022 bought my Elon Musk.

Twitter make most of their money by advertising - promoted tweets or 'trend takeovers'. Twitter's revenue is around $3 billion.

Instagram - In 2012 was bought by Facebook for $1 billion. Facebook and Instagram's parent company is now called Meta - a global conglomerate. 

Instagram's revenue in 2023 was $61 billion.

4) What are the worries about Instagram’s negative effects?

Increases the risk for eating disorders and other mental-health concerns such as depression and low self-esteem.

5) How do social media platforms manage online abuse on their platforms and why has Marcus Rashford drawn attention to this? How might this change in the future?

Most social media platforms have 'rules' or 'terms of use' that prohibit abusive behaviour. Rashford has drawn attention to this as he became famous due to his sports/football career, drawing attention to him and other people being racist to his race and ethnicity. This might change in the future where there's less racism as the world is getting more diverse.

6) What happened by law in 2022 that changed the way the internet is regulated? Write three changes that this new law may bring in and explain why it is difficult to regulate the internet.

  • Sending threatening posts being punishable by jail sentences.
  • Platforms like X and Instagram having to actively prevent users seeing harmful material – or risk being fined by Ofcom.
  • Platforms paying Ofcom to regulate their content.


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