1) What does BAME stand for?

-Black, Asian, minority ethnic

2) Why is there a need for blood in the BAME community? 
-There's a need for blood in the BAME community as there are only 3% of doners that are Asian and Black people that donates blood.

3) What does this advert want people to do once they've seen it (the 'call to action')?
The advert want people to donate blood for Asian and Black people, the advert wants the audience to call them as soon as they have seen the advert so that they can help others that are Asian and Black.

4) Why is the advert called 'Represent'?
The advert is called 'Represent' as the advert wants to show that individuals can also help other people that is in the community.

5) Why have the producers chosen famous BAME celebrities to feature in the advert? Give an example of three well-known people who appear in the advert and why they are famous - make sure you write their names and spell them accurately.
  • Lady Leshurr - She is famous as she is best-known for her Queen's speech series of freestyles.
  • Nicola Adams MBE - She is famous as she is a former professional boxer and winner of the first ever Olympic Women's Boxing Gold Medal.
  • Ade Adepitan - He is famous as he is a player that plays basketball while on a wheelchair.
-The producers have chosen famous BAME celebrities to feature the advert as they want to show that even what your gender, race, ethnicity, and age you can be successful like other people. 
6) What are the connotations of the slow-paced long shot of empty chairs at the end of the advert?
The connotations of the slow-paced long shot of empty chairs part emphasises that there are only 3% of people that are Asian that donates blood to BAME community. In addition it shows that there are empty chairs for other people to fill up, to donate blood.

7) How does the advert match the key conventions of a typical urban music video?
The advert match the key conventions of a typical urban music video as the video used rap music to tell the audience a message. Also at the first part of the video it only shows the setting and the singer. The whole video was full of other famous people and how they are famous for.

8) How does the advert subvert stereotypes? Give three examples (e.g. ethnicity, masculinity, femininity, age, class, disability/ability etc.) 
The advert shows a subvert stereotype by showing the scientist as a female and wearing a hijab, they also showed the Nicola Adams boxing as boxing is usually a sport for men, and a disabled person who plays basketball.

9) How does the advert reinforce certain stereotypes of the BAME community? Could there be an oppositional reading where some audiences would find this advert offensive or reinforcing negative stereotypes?
The advert reinforces certain stereotypes of the BAME community as it shows that no matter what your race, gender, and age you can be anything and successful. The audience might find it offensive as there are not that much of Asian people that donates blood in the BAME community.

10) Choose one key moment from the advert and write an analysis of the connotations of camera shots and mise-en-scene (CLAMPS).

From 0:32, it is a long shot which shows the setting and the the full body of the character while sitting down. The costume of the character shows shows that she is wearing a white dress which connotes that she is pure and still as she is wearing a pencil dress, and the difference is that her dress won't be blown away that easily which also links to the advert as the advert also connotes that they can be anything even if anyone or something tries to stop them. The lighting shows a high key lighting which connotes as bright and successful as she is the CEO, which means even though she is a female CEO she can still carry the company to a bright future. Her make up shows that she is wearing a pinkish red lipstick which connotes that her fashion still has to stand out. The props shows that there is a laptop and a MOBO trophy which connotes that she was still to working hard for the company to win and be more successful. The setting shows that she is high up in the building which connotes that she has a high rank or position in their company. 


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