1) What year was the advert produced?

-The advert was produced on 1955.

2) How were women represented in most adverts in the 1950s? Add as much detail to this answer as you can as these are the social, cultural and historical contexts we will need to write about in the exam.
-Women are represented in most adverts in the 1950's by representing them as staying at home and doing domestic duties. Women are presented to be less powerful than men.

3) How does the heading message ('OMO makes whites bright') and the style of the text promote the product?
-The heading message and the style of the text promotes the product by making it bold to show importance. The design of the background shows that is it bursting out of explosion to show that the product makes the audience shock by how effective the product is.

4) Analyse the mise-en-scene in the advert (CLAMPS): how is costume, make-up and placement of the model used to suggest women's role in society?
-The costume of the woman shows that she is wearing casual working clothes, which suggests that she's just working at home. The lighting of the advert is high-key which shows that the advert makes the audiences interested as the advert is bright and shows how white the product can be. The facial expression of the woman on the advert shows that she is excited and enjoying her job, washing the clothes. She is wearing a make-up which suggests that even while working at home she needs to look pretty and not stressed, that her appearance still important. The placement of the woman in the advert shows that she is on the middle while holding a towel that shows how bright the product is. The towel as a prop is an evidence on how bright and white the family's clothes can be when using the product. This suggests that women's role in society is that they stay at home and take care of their house and family. 

5) Why is a picture of the product added to the bottom right of the advert?
-The product is added in the bottom right of the advert to show how the product looks like for the audience to have an idea on how it looks.

6) What are the connotations of the chosen colours in this advert - red, white and blue?
-Red connotes as seeking for attention as it is eye catching for the audience. White connotes as neat and also shows freshness for the product. Blue connotes as  wisdom and serenity.

7) How does the anchorage text use persuasive language to encourage the audience to buy the product? Give examples.
-The anchorage text uses persuasive language to encourage the audience to buy the product by making the part "This'll shake you, Mother" on bold, it also shows the generations of housewives, the text is also addressing mums as most mums are to ones who will give advice to their daughters on what products to use, however in this advert it is showing the the daughter is the one who is advising the mums to use the product as it is effective. They also used the word bright and white a lot of times to show focus for the audience.

8) What representation of women can be found in this OMO advert? Make specific reference to the advert and discuss stereotypes.
-The representations of women that can can be found in the advert is that women are delighted by doing domestic jobs. This shows in the advert as the expression on her face doesn't shows any stress, her facial expression shows that she's shocked and she's wearing make-up which is not really needed when doing job at home. 

9) What is the preferred reading for this advert - what did the producers of the advert want the audience to think in 1955?
-The preferred reading for this advert in the 1955 is that the product is really effective that might be the reason for women to stay at home and do domestic jobs.

10) What is the oppositional reading for this advert - how might a modern audience respond to this text and the representation of women here?
-The modern audience might respond to this advert as sexism as the advert shows that the text only talks about how women should use the product and there is no man being involved in this advert. It also shows that the target audience for this advert are women.


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