1.Go back to the film poster task and use what we have learned on mise-en-scene (CLAMPS) to add a new paragraph in green font so I can see the changes you have made. Consider 'props' and 'lighting' and colour schemes and their connotations. Use the media glossary and GLO words in our books to add more media terminology such as 'reinforce' and 'emphasise' and 'consumer'. 

The costume of both of the character shows that they are both wearing swimsuits which connotes that they might have been on a vacation. The lighting shows low key lighting which suggests that the setting is dark and the genre is horror film. The actors expressions looks terrified which suggests that they might have seen something that terrifies them. The make up shows that they are a bit pale which connotes that they have been under water for long. The props shows that there are sharks everywhere which connotes that there might be violence on the film. The sharks are conventional as it shows on the poster that there are plenty of sharks roaming around the cage. The light that is directed to the sharks suggests that is might have been dark under the deep ocean, the light that is directed to the sharks connotes that they should be careful about the sharks, that they should try to avoid them.

2. Add the extension task for the Stranger Things post: https://collider.com/stranger-things-1980s-pop-culture-elements/#hair-amp-clothing
Look at the ideas in the article and make bullet points to show what the article says about individual aspects of CLAMPS and the message it conveys about the character e.g. Will's bowl haircut and what that tells audience about him. 
  • The costume of each character shows that it is set in the 1980's, their make up and clothing needs to be more accurate for the audience as they might not feel interested if the film doesn't show much about the film being realistic.
  • Jonathan's hair got more longer and thinner which suggests that he grew his hair which also connotes that he is a grown-up as it it might take sometime for a hair to grow. The design of how the hair and clothing look shows that they look more responsible for what they need to do.
  • The setting still needs to be realistic and shows a natural event for the audience to be more interested. In Nancy's room where there is a poster of Tom Cruise shows that she's just a teenage girl that is also obsessed with Tom Cruise just like other teenage girls.
  • They used a iconic music for the audience to be more engrossed by the film as they might find the film awesome. They used the song Running Up that Hill for Max to escape Vecna which the audience might like and to feel some intense while watching the film.


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