1) 3 aspects of camera movement:

  • The director used the track/dolly camera movement to let the audiences know that the action is on a fast moving sequence, and to also show a clear movement of the running action and chases so that the audience can feel the intense towards the scene.
  • The director also used the pan camera movement to show that the characters are all in the same setting and to let the audience feel that that scene is realistic. In addition the director also used the pan camera movement to show that the character focused their attention to the other character which shows their relationship for each other as she said to the other character to calm down.
  • The director used the handheld camera movement to show that the scene is an action of urgency as the camera is all shaky and shows the action of the character is in the same pace as the camera. This effects to the audience that they are on same point of view as the character and feel that fierce feeling that would make them get more interested on the film.
2) 2 aspects of editing:

  • The director used the fast pace in the scene to show how fast and intense the scene is, it also shows the audience that there would me a fight or chasing movement within the scene. This will make the audience feel delighted with these scene as audiences wants fights and negativity to make the movie have a thrill or twist.
  • The director used realism to show what the camera eye sees to the film audiences, and to create intimate stories that connect the audience in some sort of introspective way. This will make the audience feel the camera's point of view on what really is happening in the scene, and will make the audience feel that the movie is accurate.
3) 2 shots or 2 camera angles
  • The director used low angle to show that John knows that polices have a higher position than him in this world, the director also wants to convey that the police knows that he is confident that he would be able to catch John. This will make the audience feel attentive as both John and the police wants to bring their mission into a success.
  • The director used medium close-up to show that the police are ready to point the laser thing towards John and to make John be scared away, but since John is a competitive character the director wants to show the audience that even though we think that John has lost it's really not over for him. This will make the audience feel unfathomable as John is a rough character and the police are always the good guys.


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