1.) The camera shots:

The Medium shot at 0.50secs shows that the two characters are clearly visible on the screen and it also clearly shows the setting. There are loads of things in the setting which connotes that they have too many problems and it such a hassle for them as it also shows in their expression that they look determined and confused at the same time. This conveys the audience that there are loads of things that the two characters have been doing as there are plenty of random things in the setting.

The Close up shot at 1.40 shows the girl's expression that she looks like she is concerned and there's not much to see at the setting for it is blurred. This coveys the audience to focus on the girl's expression as she said that nor her, that she can't find the guy that they were looking for as even she's there first. 

The Over the shoulder shot at 1.54 shows that there are two characters talking about the signal about combining forces which is the doctor's secret army. It shows how their idea link to each others, and also shows how they all how good relations with each other. This conveys the audience that all of them are slowly trying to find a solution for their problems.

2.) Camera Angles:

The Unusual perspective at 0.21 shows the point of view of each character as they are all talking to each other. They are all looking at their screen to show that they are putting their attention to each one of them and that they are serious on what is happening as Sarah Jane said that she knew that the earth would be in danger and that the doctors would fail to come up. This conveys the audience that they are all finding solutions to save the earth by communicating with each other on call.

3.) Mise-en-scene:

The setting where the three characters are together shows that there are loads of things about science showing at the part where they're trying to call the guy. It also shows that there are a lot of buttons and switches which connotes that the show is about science fiction and all about technologies. The setting also shows props which are the computers there are loads of it in one room which also connotes that they are doing something that needs to contain a lot of computer. This conveys the audience that this film is about a science fiction where they can call someone from the outer space, the part where there is a echo light thing coming out from the building or machine might make the audience interested as it is not natural for the modern world to have something like that.


The Over the shoulder shot where Dustin went upstairs and tried to offer to pizza to Mike's sister. This shows the audience the point of view of Dustin offering the pizza and the door being shut by Mike's sister by putting the camera beside Dustin's shoulder. The High angle where Mike's mom opened the door at the exact time where Mike was at the bottom of the stairs shows that he have less power. This shows the audience that Mike can't win over his mom even with the help of his dad as when he tried to ask his dad for them to be able to play for longer his dad told him that he thinks it it better for Mike to listen to his mom.


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