Iron Man 3:

 I think this text encourages people to watch this film as this film is full of science fiction that is not actually happening in the present right not. People might also like this text as there are wars and is set in the USA, it also shows the White House which is very popular. The character have robotic costume which suggests that the context shows that it is about science fiction. The girl's costume is white which suggests that her character is innocence and that she is not that important. The lighting when the background showed a red and darkness lighting it suggests that it is evil and mysterious. The color of the girl's lipstick is red which suggests that it shows power and love. The actor's movement includes fighting and flying which suggests that the film might be about war and chaos. Addition about the movement of the man is lying down which suggests that he might be defeated or losing on the fight. The make up shows bruises and scars which suggests that  the characters might be badly injured and that the fight might be a serious fight. The props shows that there are swords which suggests that there is gonna be a war. The camera suggests that that man might be famous or there are people who wants to hear about what is happening. When the character used two guns this suggests that he have less power, and trying to fight back. There also bombs from the helicopters which suggests that it is planned as the camera focused on the bombs. The setting suggests that it is a science fiction as there are high tech costume however the setting might also be a mixture of natural and science fiction as there are destructions of nature.

 Red Dead Redemption 2 trailer:

I think this text encourages people to take a deeper look at this film as this is about a game that includes fighting and horse riding. People might look at his text as it might be interesting because this game is from the 1800's not many people try to release a game that came from the past. The costume shows that it is not modern in this generation but as for the characters it is. The lighting shows a high key and low key the low key atmosphere suggests that there is a war happening and as for the high key it shows in the day light which suggests that it might be a natural happening. It also shows juxtapose with small settlements. The movements of the actors shows fighting, robberies, horseback which suggests that this text is all about fighting and war, mostly there are men that are fighting which suggests that mostly all men might be the one who is interested in playing this game. The Setting shows camp fires and there are hidden identities which might be interesting for others.

Strange Things: 

I think this text encourages people to take a deeper look at this series as it is very science fictional and also a horror genre. The costume suggests that the characters wear casual clothes and there is a man that wears a suit which suggests that he might be the leader as the other men are not wearing suits but their work clothes. The lighting shows that it is on daytime which suggests that it is natural. The actors movement shows running, bicycling, and shock and fear which might suggests that they are running away from someone who is chasing them. The setting is set on a road in America. They used props such as bags and headset which suggests that they are prepared, it is planned as they also used the headset to be able to talk to each other when they do not have sight to see each other.

Nike Advert:

I think this text encourages people to take a deeper look at text because it is about a Nike shoes that help people to do their hard work on what they do everyday, it also shows that each person have harder and complicated problems. The costume shows that it is all about sports as they used jersey which suggests that this shoes is good to use in sports as it might be difficult for other people to find their shoes that is actually for what they are doing, so Nike it is. The lighting shows a high key as there are a lot of bright colors which suggests that when we use their shoes we might feel that it actually is the best to use. The actors movement shows that they actually look contented when they are using the shoes while doing some sporty things. The setting is set on school, street, stadium, ocean and convenience store which suggests that Nike is good to use for anything that you do in your life.


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