First 10 questions

1) Which part of the course are you looking forward to most?

The part of the course that I'm looking forward the most is the design part because I wanted to get better in designing some things that are in other people's type of design.

2) What knowledge and skills do you hope to learn in Media?

The knowledge and skills that I hope to learn in Media are being creative and being able to communicate to others as well as being able to express my feelings to people.

3) What grade are you realistically hoping to achieve in Media (5-9)?

The grade that I am hoping to achieve in Media is 7-9.

4) What was the last TV programme or film you watched?

The last TV programme or film that I watched is Can you keep a Secret it is about two people that work in one company, they told each other their secrets and fell in love.

5) Why do you think that TV programme or film appealed to an audience? Why would an audience like it?

I think the reason why it appealed to the audience because the film is about a relationship that tells us that it shouldn't be only one person to share their secrets.

6) What technology have you used to access the media in the last 24 hours? (Radio, TV, phone etc.)

The technology that I have used to access media is phone.

7) What device do you use most to access the media? 

The device that I mostly use to access media is phone.

8) What is your average 'screen time' (or equivalent) on your phone each day. Is this about right, too little or too much? Why? 

My screen time is usually too much but when its school week I only use my phone lesser than I usually do. The reason why my screen time is too much, it is because this is what I usually do, I always use my phone since I am a kid. It may also be because of the generation which teenagers are mostly using social media.

9) Why was the casting of Jodie Whittaker a significant moment in the history of Doctor Who?

It is Significant moment in the history of Doctor Who because Jodie Whittaker is the first doctor to step foot in the Tardis.

10) What aspects of this scene do you think an audience might enjoy? List at least three things and explain why the audience would enjoy each aspect. 

  • The scene that the audience might enjoy is where Doctor Who is experimenting which connects it to science, which tends to be more captivating.
  • The scene where it shows power, this part is exciting especially for the audience who love to watch films and series that involves power.
  • The part where it shows traveling through space and time, most of the people wants to travel back to the time where the universe if full of happiness. This generation is fun but it is more different back then.
Extension question: What can you spot in Doctor Who that you will find in most television dramas? (E.g. characters, dramatic music etc.) These are called key conventions - list as many as you can think of. 
  • The characters are full of mysteries.
  • The content, about traveling through time.
  • The music that is preventing the scene to be more interesting and exciting.

Extension question 2: What would a Doctor Who fan ('Whovian') particularly enjoy about this scene?

For me, I think it is the part where the scene is all about science, experimenting, and traveling to space and time, it makes all of the scene more thrilling than other films. The other reason that a fan would definitely is where in the whole scene it is a mixture of many things like science.


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